Looking for a local youth field hockey or lacrosse camp in New Jersey to sign up for this summer? You’ve come to the right place!
Below is the information you need to know for youth NJ field hockey and lacrosse camps right in your neighborhood!
Summer 2012 Youth Field Hockey and Lax Camps in New Jersey

Image Credit: Lawrence Academy (http://www.lacademy.edu/page.cfm?p=753)
Field Hockey Camps
Atlantic Highlands Recreation Field Hockey Camp
- Ages: 8-13 years
- Date(s): July 23-27
- Time: 8:30AM-10:30AM
- Where: Fireman’s Field
- Cost: $45.00
- Coach: Kendra Boyd
- Contact: Kendra Boyd; achicwithstix@yahoo.com or call 732-403-0285
- Register @ www.ahnj.com
Manasquan Youth Field Hockey Camp
- Grades: 3-6 and 7-9
- Date(s): July 16-19
- Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM
- Where: Green Acres Park, Brielle
- Cost: $170.00
- Coach: Pam and Jill Cosse
- Contact: Jill Cosse; aminnell@westex.org
- Registration forms available at A Chic with Stix.
- Send registration forms to Jill Cosse 105 Grandview Ave North Caldwell, NJ 07006
Middle School Madness Mini Camp
- Grades: 5,6,7,8,9 including goalies (players need some experience)
- Date(s): July 30-August 2
- Time: 5:30PM-7:30PM
- Where: Jersey Shore Arena, Wall, NJ
- Cost: $150.00 includes Jersey
- Coach: Pam Cosse
- Contact: Jersey Sports Arena 732-919-7070/www.jerseyshorearena.com
- Get ready for the fall season!
“Last Chance” Camp
- Grades: 9,10,11,12 including goalies
- Date(s): August 6-9
- Time: 5:00PM-8:00PM
- Where: Jersey Shore Arena, Wall, NJ
- Cost: $215 includes Jersey
- Coach: Pam Cosse
- Contact: Jersey Sports Arena 732-919-7070/www.jerseyshorearena.com
- Get ready for next season!
Templar Field Hockey Group Field Hockey Camp
- Grades: Two groups-5th grade entrees and High School (Teams Welcome)
- Date(s): July 30-August 2
- Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM
- Where: Raritan High School
- Cost: $150.00
- Coach: Kris Cox
- Contact: Kris Cox; 732-264-8411 x 1034 or the Hazlet recreation office; 732-739-0653
- Registration forms available at A Chic with Stix.
- Register: Registration/payment due by July 23 ($15 surcharge for late registration)
- Send registration form to Hazlet Recreation Commission 1776 Union Avenue, Veteran’s Park, Hazlet, NJ 07730
- Doctor’s signature or a copy of a physical within the past 365 days is required with application.
Jersey Intensity Field Hockey Good Sports Summer Camp
- Grades: 3-12
- Date(s): July 23-26
- Time: 3:30PM-6:30PM
- Where: Good Sports USA, Wall
- Cost: $225.00
- Coach: Jersey Intensity Field Hockey
- Contact: Kathleen Kelly; kakelly@intensityfieldhockey.com
- Register @ Good Sports USA 732-681-8898
- All levels welcome and all goalies welcome
Lacrosse Camps
Blue & White Lacrosse Camp
- Ages: 5-16 years
- Date(s): June 25-29
- Time: 9:00AM-3:00PM (Half day option available)
- Where: Christian Brothers Academy
- Cost: $325.00
- Coach: Courtney Richardson
- Contact: Dave Santos; 732-530-9777 ext. 4 or website www.midnjlax.com
- Registration forms available at A Chic with Stix.
- Send registration form to Mid NJ Lacrosse P.O. Box 343, Lincroft, NJ 07738
Manasquan Youth Lacrosse Camp
- Grades: 3-6 and 7-9
- Date(s): July 16-19
- Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM
- Where: Green Acres Park, Brielle
- Cost: $170.00
- Coach: Pam and Jill Cosse
- Contact: Jill Cosse; aminnell@westex.org
- Registration forms available at A Chic with Stix.
- Send registration form to Jill Cosse 105 Grandview Avenue, North Caldwell, NJ 07006
Questions About NJ Field Hockey and/or Lacrosse Camps?
If you have any questions about the New Jersey field hockey and/or lacrosse camps listed above, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (732) 403-0285.
In addition, if you need assistance to determine the type of field hockey or lacrosse equipment that will be needed for a specific camp, we are here to help! We have an array of youth packages for beginner players, as well as cutting-edge field hockey and lacrosse sticks and equipment for more advanced players. We look forward to hearing from you!